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Cleaning a secret part of your life.

Enviado por   •  17 de Junio de 2013  •  Apuntes  •  274 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  446 Visitas

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Cleaning a secret part of your life.

A closet organization is a unique challenge. Is where everyone starts each day, is where people get their first sense of who they are presenting to the world, and who they are presenting to themselves. Simply can’t be the best if people don’t feel great about clothes they are wearing. Meanwhile it is like having a bad hair day and, we all know what that’s feels like.

Some accessories every single people have in their closet are scarves, belts, necklaces, pins and purses.

Most closets have about 10 to 20 % of clothes and accessories that we wear actually, the other 80% we don’t use it. Eventually learning how to organize a closet is a skill that goes beyond making everything neat and clean. First take out everything that doesn’t fit the body including shoes and caps that are in there right at that moment. Sometimes people are not wearing that stuff right in that moment. Next take out everything that is worn out or out of style . We all deserve to have every single thing in our closet delight. Before start cleaning inside the closet look at what is left. Later go and get matching hangers for the favorite items, my favorite are black hangers because is easy to find them. Then vacuum out all the dust inside the closet and integrate deodorant. Finally add a deodorant in the closet to maintain a good odor. This process can explain not only how to organize your closet, most people can use this process in real life to organize many different things.

Enjoy a clean and cleared out closet.


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