- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Como Los Humanos Afectamos Los Ciclos Naturales The La Tierra

Enviado por   •  22 de Octubre de 2013  •  473 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  594 Visitas

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Human alteration in all these cycles have disrupted many ecosystems and degraded quality of our natural resources, and our health by polluting the air we breathe, the water we drink and endangering the future of our children. We need to take responsible and act towards a better future.


• Carbon cycle

The human have altered this cycle enormously by burning combustibles fossils like coal, natural gas, and petroleum liberating to the atmosphere excessive quantities of CO2, and where does it go? Well the ocean takes about 55 percent, we use about 25 percent and the rest stays in the atmosphere having negative impacts on the Earth. Warming of the planet is one of the most negative impacts in my point of view, it targets the chain reaction to the environment like the melting of the , rising the water levels, the growth of biomass, wildfires, oceans acidity putting the marine life in danger.(

We have the responsibility to help restore or maintain this cycle in its natural proportions, and there are ways we can help, like planting more trees and plants that will help with the consumption of carbon monoxide and helps creates oxygen, other ways will be to limit the use of combustibles or fuels, by using solar energy for transportation. Limit the use of electrical energy is an other way to help this cause the less energy we use the less burning coal is used.

• Phosphorus cycles

Human have impacted the cycle of the Phosphorus by accelerating the cycle in large scales, using fertilizers and detergents, causing pollution in the aquatic ecosystems. For example the one of the consequences, is the growth of algae bloom in our waters that impacted the aquatic life which produces toxins and depletes the oxygen in the water affecting other organisms.

We can still do something about this cycle to, limit the use of fertilizers, or use non chemic fertilizers, changes in farm practices, stop urban expansion, maybe restrict by law the use of phosphorus.

• Nitrogen cycles

Nitrogen is one of the primary nutrients important for the survival of human. Humans have affected the nitrogen cycle organisms by making and utilizing fertilizers in our soils, burning fossils fuels, bacteria in livestock waste and discharge of municipal sewage disrupting aquatic ecosystems. These human activities among others contribute to the global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, visibility degradation, acid rain water use impairment, eutrophication and regional smog. (isws)

There are ways to help to restore the cycle like recycling organic waste, using technology to create organic fertilizers, and develop techniques to maintain a natural balance between the human population growth and the excessive environmental degradation.




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