- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  25 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Ensayo  •  331 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  183 Visitas

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River dolphins are among the most endangered species of all the world’s cetaceans. Due to that, the Amazon River pink dolphins currently conform the largest population of river dolphins in existence, because the other four species of their kind are functionally extinct or close to extinction.

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These unique creatures have been the inhabitants of the Amazon and its tributaries for centuries now. However, as a result of the accelerated devastation of the river’s basin, the dolphins are greatly threatened.


 In the first place, pollution is a major issue. The elevation in toxin levels of mercury have triggered the increasing number of deaths among pink dolphins. This occurs especially near gold mines where mercury is used as part of the gold mining process and reaches dolphins through the food chain; since they mainly eat catfish, which are bottom feeders greatly affected by metals like mercury in the water, dolphins as a result, are considerably affected too.

 Secondly, the growth of traffic in the Amazon River also threatens these creatures. Due to the fact that they are curious by nature, they sometimes approach to vessels navigating near them. The consequence is that they are easily hurt by the sharp propellers. Additionally, the noise produced by engines and motors and the sound pollution caused by them, has been considered to produce a disorienting phenomenon in the dolphins’ navigations systems, causing the death of many of them.

 Finally, the Amazon River dolphin is seen as a competitor for reduced fish stocks and is often killed or injured when people try to chase them away. Furthermore, in the Brazilian and Colombian Amazon, river dolphins are often intentionally slaughtered to use as bait in the “mota” catfish fishery, which gathers fish that demand high prices in the city.

Conscience about the danger the Amazon pink river dolphin is facing must rise among all of us, in order to prevent the disappearance of this unique species.


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