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Ebola : a real viral disease or a conspiracy?

Enviado por   •  13 de Diciembre de 2014  •  Práctica o problema  •  559 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  372 Visitas

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Ebola : a real viral disease or a conspiracy?

By Carolina Carrasco

Is Ebola a viral disease or just an experiment?. There is a discussion between these statements about the origin of Ebola virus that is deadly affecting and killing people around the world. W.H.O (World Health Organization) affirms the Ebola epidemic is real, while others skeptical believe that this virus is invented to profit with it and have the chance to sell vacuums. This essay will present those two positions about Ebola origin.

According to W.H.O, Ebola is an emergent highly contagious disease, formed by five different viruses. A far as transmission is considered, Ebola is introduced into the human population because of the close contact with secretions or body fluids. The origin is associated with the ingestion or fruit bats, antelopes, porcupines, among other animals infected that have been found dead or sick in the jungle. Subsequently, the virus is spread in the country through transmission from person to person by direct contact or by indirect contact with contaminated materials such liquids (blood, secretions). All this information has been uploaded to World Health Organization official website in order to inform people about Ebola. Forms of transmission, origin and description were presented but just from W.H.O’s viewpoint.

On the other hand, perception of Ebola is totally different. The virus is seen as a virus artificially created on purpose to sell vacuums to people and control population. ‘Forst Detrick’, located in United States, Maryland is a biological research and Development of Chemical Weapon Center. For more than fifty years has been dedicated to detecting diseases through engineering manipulated infection. Forst Detrick is related to Mapp Biopharmaceutical, a pharmaceutical company whose scientific team , works with Unites States Army at Fort Detrick and years ago (2012) the Ebola’s virus was inoculated a group of monkeys. Some volunteers of United States Army supposedly could have been gave injections with the Ebola virus to Africa where people receive it believing that it is for Tuberculosis or Malaria because of the ignorance and lawlessness that cannot protect them. The virus consequently was spread among people and the only vacuums available come from U.S.A for ‘USAMRIID’ (United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease) and this institute used to work with Mapp Biopharmaceutical and Forst Detrick years ago. All in all Ebola virus, according to this theory, is an experiment created to obtain money.

In brief, Ebola is a mortal viral disease. Created artificially or not is affecting the population. Between 25% and 90% of the people infected, dies. Unfortunately just some people can obtain the cure: people that can pay for the vacuum or governments with resources to solve healthy problems


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