El consumo de apóstrofo y el guión
Enviado por mvindelbrower • 1 de Mayo de 2013 • Tutorial • 666 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 394 Visitas
14p.Use an apostrophe and an s to form the plurals of all lower-case letters, of some capital letters, of numeral, of symbols, and of words referred to as words.
1. two boys' hats two women's hats
2. two actresses' hats
3. two children's hats
4. the Changs' house
Note. To form the plurals of abbreviation that end with a period add an apostopge and an s.
1. Ph.D’s
2. M.A.’s
To form the plurals of abbreviations not followed by periods, add either and apostrophe and an s or just s.
1. CD’s or CDS
2. VCR’s or VCRs
14q.Use a hyphen to divide a word at the end of a line.
1. Alicia chose to write her report about the pli-
ght of the homeless.
2. Isn’t Ethan running for student council presi-
dent this year?
3. Marcel is in charge of buying all the mate-
rials for the project.
When dividing a word at the end of a line, remember the following rules.
• Do not divide a one syllable word.
• Divide a word only between syllables
• Divide an already hyphenated word at the hyphen
• Do not divide a word so that one letter stands alone
14r.Use a hyphen with a compound number form twenty-one to ninety-one and with fractions used as modifiers.
1. Forty-two applicants
2. About three-fourths empty
3. A two-thirds majority
14s.Hyphenate a compound adjective when it precedes the word it modifies.
1. A well- liked author
2. A world-renewed composer
3. The less-appreciated services
14t. Use a hyphen with the prefixes ex-, self-, all-, and great-; with the suffixes –elect and –free; and with all the prefixes before a proper noun or proper adjective.
1. Ex-mayor
2. Self-control
3. All-star
4. Great-grandson
14.u Use hyphen to prevent confusion or awkwardness.
1. Re-collect
2. De-icer
3. Re-wind
Sometimes a word, phrase, or sentence is used parenthetically; that is, it breaks into the man thought of a sentence. Most parenthetical elements are set off by commas or by parentheses. Sometimes, though, such elements call for a sharper separation from the rest of the sentence. In such cases, dashers are used.
14v.Use a dash to indicate an abrupt break in thought or speech.
1. The director of the film --- I can’t recall his name – said that there would be a sequel
2. The truth is --- and you probably already know this --- we can’t finish the project on time.
3. Running with scissors – you shouldn’t do this—is one of the most dangerous