- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

En Ingles

Enviado por   •  26 de Agosto de 2014  •  309 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  171 Visitas

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There are many social problems in society which we struggle every day such as discrimination, violence, corruption, delinquency etc… There is a wide list of social problems to have a betterunderstanding there are theories that point causes of the social problems. Gender conflict, Multi-cultularism, and Marxism are theories that belong to the social conflict approach. Consequently they allbelieve social problems exist because groups in society are in conflict. However the three theories think the conflict is between three different groups in society. By seeing differences and similaritiesbetween Gender conflict, Multi-Culturalism and Marxism theories have better understanding of social problems and their causes.

People who believe in Gender conflict theory think that problems insociety are because men and women are treated equally. In the book Social Problems, Macionis defines gender conflict theory as ¨the explanation of social problems in terms of men´s dominance over women ¨(11). In other words women is discriminated or treated poorly by men, having as a result more poor women and fewer opportunities for them. In comparison to Marxism that focuses on the class conflict,but the both theories think that a group in society is causing problems. As a result of gender conflict there is a lack of job opportunities in some places. Polygamy is an example of this, becausemen have the right to have more than one wife and women are forced to be faithful to them. Clearly women are viewed as inferior or not important. These actions towards women have forced them to createfeminism; a movement that fights for equality.

Multi – Culturalism theory thinks that race and ethnics inequality causes social problems. According to Macionis in the Social Problems book is ¨anexplanation of social problems in terms of racial and ethnic inequality¨ (12). Consequently there is racism and really terrible events that are because of this problem. Racism has been a problem in...


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