- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo en Ingles: CARBON CYCLE

Enviado por   •  3 de Marzo de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  353 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  156 Visitas

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Biological importance: part of the skeleton of the organic molecules essential in all agencies. In life: during photosynthesis carbon becomes organic particles for their own consumers. reservoirs: plant biomass and animal key processes: Each year the plants use much of the atmospheric CO2 for photosynthesis, this is equivalent to the amount of cellular respiration that perform producers and consumers.[pic 1]

The carbon is one of the most important element in our lives, because they are part of the living matter. The phases of carbon are those chemical transformations of compounds that has carbon, between biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. The carbon goes from the atmosphere to plants, this in the atmosphere is mixed with oxygen and carbon dioxide is called. With the help of the sun and the carbon dioxide, is done photosynthesis, and works as food for plants.


The carbon is one of the most important element in our lives, because they are part of the living matter. The phases of carbon are those chemical transformations of compounds that has carbon, between biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. The carbon goes from the atmosphere to plants, this in the atmosphere is mixed with oxygen and carbon dioxide is called. With the help of the sun and the carbon dioxide, is done photosynthesis, and works as food for plants.[pic 2]


Photosynthesis - Animals

The carbon goes from the plants to animals through the food chain, the carbon of the plants goes toward the animals that are fed with them. animals that eat other animals also receive carbon through their food.

When plants and animals die their remains, wood, part of the matter lies buried decomposed and after millions and millions of becomes a Fossil

Each time someone exhales pulls carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the animals and plants decompose this compounds by your breathing. fossils goes to the atmosphere when the fuel is burned

Known about ten million of carbon compounds and forms part of the living beings known.[pic 3]

The oceans and other water bodies absorb some of the carbon from the atmosphere. The carbon dissolves in water. marine animals are to perform their shells.


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