Fossil Fuels Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
Enviado por chochang • 18 de Septiembre de 2016 • Tarea • 703 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 217 Visitas
Fossil Fuels Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
(Cheap and Formed from decomposition of the remains of plants and animals easy to use)
Takes millions of years for them to accumulate and form deposits
Biomass Fuelwood (madera); Animal dung (excrementos); Crop Wastes
Main source of energy in rural areas (ex africa and asia) (poor . countries are the ones that most use them)
Formation of Coal
• In dense forests in the Carboniferous (300 million years ago) older plants and trees died and decomposed to form a layer of peat. Later rivers coverd the peat with deposits of mud and sand which are compressed into sedimentaryrocks and the peat hardened into coal
Formation of oil and natural gas
• When decomposed plants and dead creatures are collected on the sea bed, they are covered by mud and sand and the sand will be compressed into hard sandstone. The oil and gas will separate to the pores between the particles of the rock.
Search and extraction
coal: when it outcrops the surface it is extracted by opencast methods and when its below the surface, deep minning is needed
oil and gas: they are commonly found in an upfold in the rock called an anticline oil trap where gas and oil rise to the top of the pourus sandstone rock where they are trapped by the impervious rock (gas will be found higher than oil due to its density) and it will be extracted by drilling and forced out through pipes.
Production of Nuclear Energy (dibujito libro)
It is produced by fission. An atom which contains a nucleus in its center, is split using metal uraine in a nuclear reactor and releases a great deal of heat. A gas takes the heat to the boiler where water is turned into steam that is used to drive the turbines for the generator make electricity.
Energy production and patters of global trade
∞ Nuclear energy generates little world trade becase energy is expensive to move unless neighbouring countries.
∞ Coal is being replaced by oil because oits functions are more and varied such as transport, heating, electricity and for quemicals. So, oil is of much greater importance in world trade using pipelines to move it.
∞ Trade is necessary because usually countries which produce souces of energy, does not need them
Production of crude oil (estudiar del libro)
Enviromental problems from energy production
Energy provides lightining, refrigeration, heating, economic devolpment of countries, power transport and industrial productions, used for machines which replace people at work BUT IT CAUSES