- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Geologias Arenas

Enviado por   •  1 de Abril de 2014  •  231 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  204 Visitas

Material original con materia orgánica (MO)

Enterrada - tiempo - temperatura

Factores Críticos: Roca Madre, Ruta de Migración, Roca Reservorio, Trampa, Sello

Otros: Posibilidad de recuperación, calidad, dimensiones, mercado

The nomenclature and boundaries of the Colombian Sedimentary basins as

they appear in the ANH land map need some clarifi cation based on geological

and/or planning and operation criteria for exploration activities in the petroleum


It is important to mention that some of these regions do not strictly meet the

defi nition of a sedimentary basin, given that they correspond to areas which have

undergone diff erent geological events over time. They could be best defi ned

as Geologic Provinces which, accordingly with the USGS (2000): “each geologic

province is an area having characteristic dimensions of perhaps hundreds to

thousands of kilometers encompassing a natural geologic entity (for example,

sedimentary basin, thrust belt, delta) or some combination of contiguous

geologic entities” and their limits are drawn along natural geologic boundaries

or, in some cases, at an arbitrary water deep in the oceans. Nevertheless, the term

sedimentary basin is conserved here because it is deep-rooted in the geological

literature of Colombia. The new proposal divides the Colombian territory in 23

sedimentary basins (fi gure 4 and 5):

1. Amagá

2. Caguán-Putumayo

3. Catatumbo

4. Cauca-Patía

5. Cesar-Ranchería

6. Chocó

7. Chocó Off shore

8. Colombia

9. Colombian Deep Pacifi c

10. Eastern Cordillera

11. Eastern Llanos

12. Guajira

13. Guajira Off shore

14. Los Cayos

15. Lower Magdalena Valley

16. Middle Magdalena Valley

17. Sinú-San Jacinto

18. Sinú Off shore

19. Tumaco

20. Tumaco Off shore

21. Upper Magdalena Valley

22. Urabá

23. Vaupés-Amazonas


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