- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  25 de Agosto de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  356 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  112 Visitas

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Imagine you bought a baloto ticket and you write a letter to a friend telling him/her what you want to do with the money

Dear friend

I hope that you are very well, today, i was alone in the garden, sitting on the stool under the willow, and i thought in thee and in thy house of the city, in which enters little sun. I would have liked to keep you by my side to make you enjoy all this beauty; the sun, the flowers, the grass so green and so fresh.

Dear friend the reason for my letter is to tell you all about a great news perhaps you are not prepared for this, i don't want to go crazy, don't want to change anything in my life, i have bought a ticket from baloto and i won, for that reason i am writing to tell you that I would like to share my money with you because you have always supported me, beam state unconditionally for me.

Friend in addition to share the money with you and want to help people, create hospitals and school,i dream of a country of cultured and educated people, i would like to make a trip to Europe with my family, my boyfriend, my mother, grandmother and brother. There are not many things that i would like, you know that my interest is to help those who need it, so soon i will do a foundation for children with limited resources, and of course as you can imagine buying a house because i think much on the stability of my family.

Sometimes i think that i am not ready to handle so much money, because you yourself know that the money gives you power and want to get things done your way and i don't want that, for that reason i do not want to get things done my way but to the way of God.

I share this to you with emotion and know that also it will be a great pleasure for you, hope to see you very soon, i send you a big hug with love.


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