- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  7 de Octubre de 2015  •  Biografía  •  404 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  130 Visitas

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Nombre: Susana Maria Mendez Yanez

Matrícula: al02758310

Nombre del curso: 

Human Being in Society

Nombre del profesor:

Erick Garcia


2: Social Research


Topic 8 and 9

Fecha: October 3, 2015


Blackboard Tecmilenio


Topic 8: Process of Social Research

Topic 9: Field of Research


In this topic we saw the quantitative and the qualitative methods and how they help in the creation of science and knowledge. You will analyze the process and the social composition as a group to be studied.


Quantitative and qualitative methods help in the creation of science and knowledge production. They are also used on social research, as they open possibilities of innovative responses, effective and timely social reality based on a problem or a situation that requires a solution or an answer. The steps for quantitative investigation are the following:

•        Problem statement

•        Literature review

•        View of the scope

•        Tentative hypothesis

•        Research design

•        Sample selection

•        Collection data

•        Analyze the data

Some steps for qualitative investigations are the following:

•        Idea

•        Approach to problema

•        Initial immersion process

•        Conception of the design research

•        Definition of the initial sample

•        Data recollection

•        Data analysis

•        Results interpretation

•        Elaboration of progress results

In the qualitative investigation the statements are more flexible, open and not very specific in the other hand the quantitative investigation it´s the opposite from qualitative.

The field of study of contemporary social phenomena is based on different concepts, such as society, class, social group, social processes and practices to explain the events that occur in a community. In this topic you will analyze the process and the social composition as a group to be studied.

Human beings live in three different collectivity which are the following:

•        Society

•        Class

•        Group


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