Inversion mienra2
Enviado por gabo9119 • 3 de Agosto de 2015 • Apuntes • 555 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 108 Visitas
Feeling Sleepy->sintiendo soñoliento
Set fijar
Fall asleep
Head (hed)
Blankets-> cobija, frazada
Sheet-> sabana
Comforter- cubrecama
Was Asleep – dormido
Snore- ronquido
Hear-> jir
Keep you awake
Have to take sleeping pill
Siesta or nap
Sleep like a log -> dormir como tronco
Tired-> cansado
Fed up – chato
Is Jet-lágger->esta fatigado de vuelo
Stayed up-> mantenido despierto
Getting to sleep-> conciliar el sueño
Light sleeper- sueño liviano, contrario a sleep like a log
Take you to recover-> tomo para recuperarme
Embárrasing-> vergonzoso
To share a room
Crane- crein grua
Got eight details, tiene 8 detalles
Discovered Lying (laing) descubierto acostado, tendido
Pásserby- transeúnte
Walking past- pasaba acaminando
Was suicidal – suuisaidl – era suicida (adj)
Firefighter- bombero
Climbed up ( claimpt ap)- subido
Realized – dio cuenta
Crawled – croolt- arrastrarsee o gatear
Put a safety harness- járnis –
The Rescue- el réskiuu rescate
Brought – traído
On a ladder – ládr
Security Guard- gard
While asleep – mientras duerme
Among – entre( varios)
Cause- kooz
Wake up
Hurts- jerts-herir
Missed-perdido(o extrañar)
Breaking news- noticias de ultima hora
At gas station
Drove- drouf
Fill up llenar
Realize his mistake
What’s the matter? Cual es el problema?
Is waitng for me
Back seat (sit)
Pick up recoger
Apologize (epólogaiz)
Based- beist
Your ball back- tu balon de vuelta
Threatened- thrétnt
Sue- siuu demander
Refused- refiúst
Kicked kikt pateado
Backyard fence – cerca d patio trasero
all locked inside his shed bajo llave dentro de cobertizo
are bound(baund) to estan obligados a , o muy probable
to shoot- disparar
tools herramientas
locked him out- cerrada por candado, bloqueado a el , impide entrar, etc
third year in a row(rou)- seguido, sin quebrar o romper
had had enough – había tenido suficiente
several muchas
remind her
hoping esperando
promised not to forget
doorstep- Escalon de la puerta de entrada
go right- ir bien a alguien
tent tienda o carpa
Winter break
Headboard-hedbord- cabecera
Nail polish remover (remúuvr) –quitaesmalte
Gave up- renunció, dio porvencido
Persuade – perswaid
Managed to free- lograron liberar
Trick truco
Mistaken – confundido (worker mistaken for jumper)
A big bill- un gran billete, Proyecto, etc
Mistook him- confundieran a el
Five-story building edificio de 5 pisos
Fire departamento
Closed off a busy Street cerrado
Negotiators- negóusheitrs
Shouting to him gritandole
Wasting (weis)
Sirens (sairens)
Get away from home – salir
As mush as – tanto como
I work as part of team
As tall as I am
Use a handkerchief as a bandage
As->cuando o mientras