Las Celdas De Combustible
Enviado por Zack5 • 18 de Agosto de 2014 • 312 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 192 Visitas
In this section, we discuss the general partial differential equations governing mass transfer;
these will be used frequently in subsequent chapters for the derivation of equations
appropriate to different electrochemical techniques. As discussed in Section 1.4, mass
transfer in solution occurs by diffusion, migration, and convection. Diffusion and migration
result from a gradient in electrochemical potential, JL. Convection results from an imbalance
of forces on the solution.
Consider an infinitesimal element of solution (Figure 4.1.1) connecting two points in
the solution, r and s, where, for a certain species j , Jip) Ф ^(s). This difference of ^
over a distance (a gradient of electrochemical potential) can arise because there is a difference
of concentration (or activity) of species у (a concentration gradient), or because there
is a difference of ф (an electric field or potential gradient). In general, a flux of species j
will occur to alleviate any difference of /Zj. The flux, Jj (mol s^cm"2), is proportional to
the gradient of /xj:
Jj oc grad^uj or Jj oc V)itj (4.1.1)
where grad or V is a vector operator. For linear (one-dimensional) mass transfer, V =
i(d/dx)9 where i is the unit vector along the axis and x is distance. For mass transfer in a
three-dimensional Cartesian space,
V = i | - + j | - + k | -
The minus sign arises in these equations because the direction of the flux opposes the direction
of increasing ~jl-
If, in addition to this ~jx gradient, the solution is moving, so that an element of solution
[with a concentration C}(s)\ shifts from s with a velocity v, then an additional term is
added to the flux equation:
In this chapter, we are concerned with systems in which convection is absent. Convective
mass transfer will be treated in Chapter 9. Under quiescent conditions, that is, in
an unstirred or stagnant solution with no density gradients, the solution velocity, v, is
zero, and the general flux equation for species j , (4.1.9), becomes