- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Las Guacamayas

Enviado por   •  25 de Abril de 2014  •  507 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  764 Visitas

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La guacamaya roja pertenece a la familia de los loros. Mide entre 81 y 120 cm de largo, pesa alrededor de 1 kg como ejemplar adulto. El macho y la hembra adultos son generalmente rojos, con azul en la parte baja del dorso. La cola es roja con una punta azul. En las alas hay plumas amarillas, que pueden tener una punta verde. La parte superior del pico (mandíbula superior) es clara con una mancha negra a cada lado, en la base. La parte inferior del pico (mandíbula inferior) es negra. Entre la mandíbula inferior y el ojo hay un área de piel blanca sin plumas. Los ojos son amarillos.

Su distribución abarca un extenso territorio que va desde los bosques húmedos tropicales del sur de México hasta el noreste de Argentina. Sin embargo, la destrucción de su hábitat y su captura para el comercio han contribuido a que se encuentre actualmente en peligro de extinción se encuentra extinta en estado silvestre en Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador.

The scarlet macaw is part of the parrot family. It measures between 81 and 120 cm long, weighs about 1 kg adult specimen. The male and female adults are usually red, with blue on the lower back. The tail is red with a blue tip. On the wings are yellow feathers, which may have a green tip. The peak top (upper jaw) is clear with a black spot on each side at the base. The bottom of the spout (lower jaw) is black. Among the lower jaw and the eye is an area of white skin without feathers. The eyes are yellow.

Its distribution covers a vast region extending from the tropical rainforests of southern Mexico to northeastern Argentina. However, habitat destruction and capture for trade have contributed to that is currently endangered is extinct in the wild in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

The red guacamaya belongs to the family of the parrots. It measures between 81 and 120 cm of length, weighs about 1 kg adult specimen. The macho and the female adults are generally red, with blue in the part it goes down the back. The tail is red with a blue top. In the wings there are yellow pens, which can have a green top. The top part of the beak (top jaw) is clear with a black spot to every side, in the base. The low part of the beak (low jaw) is black. Between the low jaw and the eye there is an area of white skin without pens. The eyes are yellow. His distribution includes an extensive territory that goes from the humid tropical forests of the south of Mexico up to the North-East of Argentina. Nevertheless, the destruction of his habitat and his capture to the trade they have contributed that he is nowadays on the verge of extinction she is extinct in wild condition in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.


Si protegemos el hábitat de las guacamayas, protegeremos a muchas más especies

If we protect the habitat of the macaws, many more species will protect

si detenemos la deforestación, salvaremos a muchos animales


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