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Los síntomas de la gonorrea

Enviado por   •  11 de Marzo de 2015  •  Informe  •  296 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  165 Visitas

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it is a man's infectious illness transmitted by sexua contact that affects mainly to the mucous membranes of the urigenital tract. it is characterized by a purulent perspired and it is originated by a bacterium,the gonococcus(neisseria gonorrhoeae):the period of incubation is a from two to seven days.

the symptoms of the gonorrhea are more patent in the maes;in those there is an important urethral purulent perspired.the pus,that at the beginning is scarce, becomes thick and abundant, and it causes frequent micturitions accompanied in general of a burning sensation. if the infection reaches the prostate, the urine canal is partialy obstructed. in women, the infection is located in the urethra, vagina or uterine neck. although the perspired and vaginal irritation of the mucous can be serious, it is frequent that at the beginning there are not symptoms or that these are scarces.

the diagnosis of gonorrhea is made quickly by staining the perspired smear ;this procedure reveals the causing the early stage, the treatment is usually effective.if the illness is not,in men the eary symptoms can diminish al though it is possibe that the infection speads to the testicles producingsterilitu. in the not treted women, the infection usualy spreads from the uterine neck to the uterus and the falopian tubes, causing a pevic inflammatory illness.intense pain can exist or to persist the infection with a few or any symptoms,injuring the tubes gradually and originating sterility. in both sexes, the gonococcus can penetrate in symptoms,injuring the tubes gradualy and originating steriity. in both sexes, the gonococcus can penetrate in the sanguine circulation, giving place to an infectios arthritis, myocarditis, or other illnesses. in the regnant women,the gonorrhea can be transmitted to the nursling during the childbirth and, if it is not, to produce a serious ocular infection


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