Enviado por JMH11861 • 23 de Enero de 2015 • 338 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 156 Visitas
First, try to lure the tiger out of the mountains. This phrase — an ancient Chinese axiom — refers to the strategy of enticing one’s enemy away from its safe haven to put them at a disadvantage. So next time you need to negotiate with your boss, ask her if you could meet in your office. Or, more subtle, ask your boss for coffee and then, on the way in, walk by your office with her and ask if she has a couple of minutes to talk to you.
It will not always be possible to lure the tiger out of the mountain and into your lair. Even if your boss is not a tiger with those sharp senses, she may still detect what you are up to. If this should be the case, suggest neutral ground. For example, book a meeting room or ask your boss for lunch.
If neither of these strategies seems suitable, work on your confidence. In our study, we gave some of the visitors a fake negotiation skills test and then provided them with false feedback. Irrespective of how they did on the bogus test, we told them that the results suggested that they are gifted negotiators. Sure enough, this confidence booster helped visiting parties overcome the home-field advantage that the office residents enjoyed.
So how can you boost your confidence? One way is to practice your negotiation skills and go for small wins that over time build up your trust in your own ability to bargain. Does that mean that you should play hardball next time your daughter asks for an increase in her weekly allowance? Maybe, but even if you don’t dare take on that challenge just yet, there are opportunities for negotiation all around us. Remember the last time you went out for dinner and your food arrived cold yet you did not push for a free meal? Use those opportunities to build up your confidence — and you will be ready to take on the tiger, no matter where it is hiding.