- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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2012 - 2013

Prof. Jake Randall, M.S., NCSP

1st Quarter Grades

Exam = 40%

Projects (average of Practice 1, 2, and 3) = 40%

Participation = 20%

Note about class participation: All students start with 20 participation points. Each point is worth 1% of their final grade.

Students lose 1 participation point per day if: • do not correctly answer all reading quiz questions, or copy answers during quizzes

• demonstrate inappropriate behavior during class (e.g., talking off topic, getting out of their seat without permission)

• do not complete in class assignments in a punctual manner

Gain 1 participation point per day if: • demonstrate exemplary participation (e.g., actively contributing to class discussions, completing readings and coming to class with informed questions)

• Up to 5% of extra credit towards a student’s total grade can be awarded for good participation.

Name Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 3 Participation

(Starting with 20 points) Exam

Fernanda Cabello 8 10 +2 Good participation; some off topic talking

-1 Computer Lab Activity (individual activity) 23

Tania Carrasco 10 10 -2 Excessive talking; little participation 23

Indra Figueroa 8 10 +2 Good participation; some off topic talking

-1 Reading Quiz, Unit 2, part 2

Benjamín Juárez 9 10 -1 Excessive talking; participates actively 23

Sebastián López 9 10 +1 Participating; some off topic talking

-1 My Healthy Brain writing activity

-1 Computer Lab Activity: Brain 19

Rafael Marentes 10 10 +3 Excellent participation 30

José Merino 10 10 Excessive talking; does participate 25

Mónica Muratalla 6 8 -1 Talking and off task activities 17

Alejandro Oros 9 10 Attentive behavior, little participation (no grade change)

-1 Reading Quiz, Unit 2, part 2

-1 Computer Lab Activity: Brain 23

Diego Oros 6 8 -1 Excessive talking, does participate

-1 Reading Quiz, Unit 2, part 2

-1 My Healthy Brain writing activity

-1 Computer Lab Activity: Brain 23

Marcelino Piña 10 8 -1 Talking, occasional attentive behavior

-1 Computer Lab Activity: Brain 20

Dorian Posternak 8 10 +3 Very Good participation 23

Adriana Ramírez 6 8 -2 Excessive talking, low participation

-1 Reading Quiz, Unit 2, part 2

-1 Computer Lab Activity: Brain (individual activity) 17

Emanuel Ramos 10 10 +1 Participates 24

José Saiz 9 10 -1 Excessive talking and blurting out; participates actively

-1 Computer Lab Activity: Brain 27

Carolina Torrijos 10 10 -2 Excessive talking 27

Diego Velarde 9 10 Talking and off task


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