- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reacciones Quimicas Y Calentamiento Global

Enviado por   •  19 de Mayo de 2015  •  417 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  281 Visitas

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Carbon is an element present in all organic compounds in our

planet, it’s also present in a part of the ocean, air, rocks etc.

It’s the key component for the life on Earth.

The carbon cycle is important for:

• The food chain.

• The regulation of the climate of the planet.

The Processes that occur in the carbon cycle are:




Human activities


The plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere

and they exhale oxigen, then animals and humans

absorb oxigen and animals eat plants that contain

carbon dioxide. When an animal dies their

Remnants decomposing produce CO2

to the environment. Their remnants decomposing

become trapped in sediment as coal, oil

and gas. And as final, industries use resources

as oil, coal and gas to produce energy or products.

CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas. It has increased due to the

use of fuels for transportation, heating and air conditioning of

buildings, and also it is used to produce cement and other

goods. With deforestation, CO2 is released and the

absorption of CO2 is reduced.

As the consequence of this increased, when there is a lot

of CO2, the sun rays can’t enter to the atmosphere

and this can cause a decline in the temperature.

It affects to the oceans and also it can affect to the

vegetables. Also the global climate changes and it ends

warming the atmosphere. It can increase the

sea level and affect to the coast ecosystems.

Also increase of droughts and floods,

is more frequency in the formation of

hurricanes and thaw in the polar caps

It is really important to take conscience about our actions that can change the imbalance of emissions of CO2 with the combustion of fuels, for this we have to take action, and take a social responsibility that make us do something extra like :

Don’t use the car if it isn’t necessary, because emitted CO2.

Don´t allow the disforestation because the trees transform the Co2 in oxygen so it’s important for the life of other organisms,

Don’t use unnecessary bundles and

stuffs therefore for produce is necessary

the combustion of fuels.

“What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”  ―Henry David Thoreau


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