- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reconocimiento De Ingles

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Recognition Activity


Nidia Ñañez Minda

Ingles II – 900021A

Grupo 317

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

23 de Agosto de 2014


1st Part

Answer the questions below:

a. How many activities do you have to do in this course? Complete the chart.

Activity Grade Open on

Recognition Activity 25 11/08/2014 0:00

Homework Unit 1 75 27/08/2014 0:00

Speaking Assignment 100 06/09/2014 0:00

Homework Unit 2 75 27/10/2014 0:00

Writing Assignment 100 01/11/2014 0:00

National Evaluation 125 29/11/2014 0:00

b. There is an activity where you have to meet with your tutor by Skype or another media, which one is it?

Act.3 Speaking Assignment

c. Your tutor’s name is Nidia Ñañez Minda, your course director is Leidy Diana Sanchez Garcia and your group is 317 (three hundred seventeen).

d. Complete the chart.

What can you find in …

Initial Environment Knowledge Environment Collaborative Environment Practical Environment Evaluation and Following Environment Student Management Environment

In this space you will find the resources that will enable them to be informed about aspects necessary for the smooth running of the course and to ensure proper communication between Teacher - student. This space is available for the course material is supplemented by various study links, content and integrating online activities guide. In this environment you will find your collaborative work within the forum provided for this purpose, there is the guide and the rubric for this activity.

When you finish your participation in the forum, you must send your final activity through the evaluation and monitoring environment. In this environment you have to develop the activity # 1 of the course and you will find the information you need for the activity # 3. Also you will find very important information such as: Route guide In this environment you will find the links to file and serve all assessment activities and proposals in the course listed on the agenda, according to the deadlines for their realization.

In this space you have to upload: In this environment you will find very important information about the University, such as:

Information about the Virtual Languages Institute – INVIL.

Reglamento general estudiantil.

Políticas de plagio de la UNAD.

Normas de netiqueta.

Soporte de campus virtual.

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