- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Salvador Dali was born on May, 1904, in Catalonia, Spain. He was a famous sculptor, graphic artist, and designer. He was the most famous representative figure of surrealism movement.

In his early years he started to visit the school of art and he did his first paintings. By the time he was fourteen he had his first small exhibition in the theatre. Two years later he went to an academy of arts in Madrid but he had conflicts with his teachers and with the academy. In 1926 he made some trips to Paris, where he met some artist like Picasso and Miró. During this time, Dali painted some paintings with the influence of Picasso, and Miró introduced Dali to surrealism.

Dali has always been eccentric and egotistical when he was young he dressed with long hair and sideburns, and time latter he dressed a very long mustache and a large cape, one of his famous acts was appearing in a diving suit at the opening of the London Surrealist exhibition, claiming that this was the source of his creative.

Dali worked with different styles of impressionism, futurism and cubism, and his paintings were associated with man´s universe and sexual symbolism.

In his works he used a classical technique and his major contribution to the surrealism was “the paranoiac critical method” he used this method to create a reality from his dreams and thoughts.

In 1929 he met Gala, who was the inspiration from Dali, she was married with another surrealist artist but when she met Dali, Gala left his husband and got married with Dali.

One of the most famous paintings of surrealism is “The persistence of memory”, Dali painted it in 1931, and is about the time, the message of this work is that time change and isn´t rigid and of course everything is destructible.

In 1934 Dali was expulsed of the surrealist movement because he had troubles with the leader, but Dali continued participating in many exhibitions.

In the next years Dali did many paintings about scientific, historical and religious subjects, he was a very imaginative person, all his works has a fantastic technique.


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