Sistema Liquorico
Enviado por Rene • 2 de Agosto de 2011 • 369 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 785 Visitas
Cranial nerve syndromes Foix Syndrome It is also called cavernous sinus syndrome. It translates clinically by edema and ptosis, cranial nerve palsy III, IV and VI. Headquarters is at the crack sphenoid lesion. Syndrome are common cause of invasive tumors and aneurysms of the sphenoid bone.
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome Foix- Clinically resemble cavernous sinus syndrome. Are affected cranial nerves III, IV, the first branch of the trigeminal nerve and the nerve VI. The seat of the lesion is at the side wall of the cavernous sinus. Common causes are aneurysms and cavernous sinus thrombosis, invasive tumors of the cavernous sinus and Turkish saddle, benign granulomas.
Jacod syndrome It is clinically manifested by unilateral blindness and hemiplegia ophthalmoplegic with facial or trigeminal neuralgia. Are affected cranial nerves II, III, IV, V and VI. Headquarters retrosfenoidal lesion is in the space. Common causes are tumors of middle cranial fossa capacitive, the temporal fossa, intracondilian that compress the nerves. This syndrome is also known as syndrome carefurului petrosfenoid.
Gradenigo syndrome Involves pairs of cranial nerves affecting the V and VI. Headquarters is located at the tip lesion bone rock. The etiology of this syndrome is a localized osteitis stones or a tumor in the internal auditory canal.
Collet-Sicard syndrome It is a syndrome caused by damage to the pairs of cranial nerves IX, X, XI and XII. Hemiplegia is characterized by language and by the same party events Vernet syndrome - hemianestezia hemiparalizia and soft palate, pharynx and larynx, unilateral paralysis of the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle. Headquarters laterocondilian lesion is in the rear space. The cause is the parotid gland tumors, the carotid glomusului, tumors of the lymph nodes and metastatic tumors.
Villaret syndrome It is a group of disorders caused by unilateral and simultaneous paralysis of the last four pairs of cranial nerves IX, X, XI and XII and the sympathetic nervous thread. Clinic is characterized by hemiparalizie gloso-palato-pharyngo-larynx with hemianestezie, swallowing and phonation disorders and symptoms characteristic of Horner syndrome - miosis, ptosis and decreased facial sudoratiei same side. Headquarters retroparotidian lesions is the posterior space. The most frequent causes of the syndrome are tumors of the parotid gland, the carotid glomusului, the lymph nodes, tumor metastasis and adena TB.