Technology y Ecology
Enviado por ixchel_andrea • 14 de Septiembre de 2014 • Examen • 231 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 164 Visitas
Technology and Ecology
Technology has become the primary means by which humans interact with the Earth-home
Technology makes visible the deep beliefs that consciously and subconsciously motivate society
Active solar heating systems use solar energy to heat a fluid -- either liquid or air -- and then transfer the solar heat directly to the interior space or to a storage system for later use. If the solar system cannot provide adequate space heating, an auxiliary or back-up system provides the additional heat.
Low-energy light bulbs
They are among us, perhaps at every point in your House, The bulbs of low consumption not only care for the environment, but also of your pocket, they save energy, by using 75% less electricity than regular lamps. They last even 10 times more and provide the same intensity of light as its predecessors.
Hybrid car
Do you want to liberate yourself of the dependence on the fossil fuels and rovide your grain of sand to the care of the planet?
Considers change your car for a hybrid. Even when you use it with gasoline it spends less combustible, since, on having had a smaller engine, it is more efficient than a traditional car
Ecological Plastic
A plastic that does not pollute? It seems science fiction, but it is a reality:is developed it through bioengineering. In addition to not come from oil, this new plastic is biodegradable and low toxicity