Teléfono celular: daño
Enviado por yopu1234 • 19 de Mayo de 2015 • Informe • 266 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 142 Visitas
Many people believe that cell phones cause brain cancer, but a recent study shows no defi nite
conclusions. Although the study indicates that brain tumors occur in some people with cell
phones, for the majority of cell phone users there is no evidence of increased risk.
However, the results of the study are not defi nitive, and scientists can’t prove that cell phones
and brain cancer are not related. So the advice from experts and doctors is
mixed. On the one hand, they can’t declare that cell phones are dangerous,
but on the other hand, they can’t say that cell phones are totally safe,
either. The only thing they can say is that more research is necessary.
One doctor is more direct about the fi ndings of the study. He said,
“Millions of people use cell phones every day. However, there isn’t an
epidemic of brain cancer. So it’s clear to me that there is no link between
the two.”
Other experts say that there is more brain cancer in people with
constant exposure to cell phones – more than 30 minutes a day for ten years.
Cell phone users in this category were more likely to get a brain tumor, but
very few people fall in this category.
One surprising indication of the study was a decreased risk of cancer in
some phone users, which could be attributed to phone radiation actually
destroying tumors, although the numbers were not signifi cant enough to
draw a fi rm conclusion.
Critics of the study point out that a lot of people use their cell phone
for more than half an hour a day. Therefore, the actual risk of getting a
tumor may be much higher than the study shows