The Color Table Package
Enviado por finkis • 16 de Mayo de 2013 • 1.358 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 448 Visitas
The colortbl package
David Carlisle
This package implements a flexibable mechanism for giving colured ‘panels’
behind specified columns in a table. This package requires the array and
color packages.
1 Introduction
This package is for colouring tables (i.e., giving coloured panels behind column
entries). In that it has many similarities with Timothy Van Zandt’s colortab
package. The internal implementation is quite different though, also colortab works
with the table constructs of other formats besides LATEX. This package requires
LATEX (and its color and array packages).
First, a standard tabular, for comparison.
one two
three four
2 The \columncolor command
The examples below demonstrate various possibilities of the \columncolor command
introduced by this package. The vertical rules specified by | are kept in
all the examples, to make the column positioning clearer, although possibly you
would not want coloured panels and vertical rules in practice.
The package supplies a \columncolor command, that should (only) be used in
the argument of a > column specifier, to add a coloured panel behind the specified
column. It can be used in the main ‘preamble’ argument of array or tabular, and
also in \multicolumn specifiers.
The basic format is:
\columncolor[hcolor modeli]{hcolour i} [hleft overhangi][hright overhangi]
The first argument (or first two if the optional argument is used) are standard
color package arguments, as used by \color.
The last two arguments control how far the panel overlaps past the widest
entry in the column. If the right overhang argument is omitted then it defaults to
left overhang. If they are both omitted they default to \tabcolsep (in tabular) or
\arraycolsep (in array).
If the overhangs are both set to 0pt then the effect is:
This file has version number v0.1j, last revised 2001/02/13.
one two
three four
The default overhang of \tabcolsep produces:
one two
three four
You might want something between these two extremes. A value of .5\tabcolsep
produces the following effect
one two
three four
This package should work with most other packages that are compatible with
the array package syntax. In particular it works with longtable and dcolumn as the
following example shows.
Before starting give a little space: \setlength\minrowclearance{2pt}
A long table example
First two columns Third column
p-type D-type (dcolumn)
P-column and another one 12·34
Total (wrong) 100·6
Some long
text in the
first column
bbb 1·2
aaa and some long text
in the second
Total (wrong) 100·6
aaa bbb 1·345
Note that
the coloured
rules in all
stretch to
large entries
in one
bbb 1·345
aaa bbb 100
Continued. . .
A long table example (continued)
First two columns Third column
p-type D-type (dcolumn)
aaa Depending on your
driver you may get
unsightly gaps or
lines where the
‘screens’ used to
produce different
shapes interact
badly. You may
want to cause
adjacent panels of
the same colour by
specifying a larger
overhang or by
adding some
negative space (in
a \noalign
between rows.
aaa bbb 45·3
The End
This example shows rather poor taste but is quite colourful! Inspect the source
file, colortbl.dtx, to see the full code for the example, but it uses the following
column types.
3 Using the ‘overhang’ arguments for tabular*
The above is all very well for tabular, but what about tabular*?
Here the problem is rather harder. Although TEX’s \leader mechanism which
is used by this package to insert the ‘stretchy’ coloured panels is rather like glue,
the \tabskip glue that is inserted between columns of tabular* (and longtable for
that matter) has to be ‘real glue’ and not ‘leaders’.
Within limits the overhang options may be used here. Consider the first table
example above. If we use tabular* set to 3 cm with a preamble setting of
one two
three four
Changing the specified width to 4 cm works, but don’t push your luck to
5 cm. . .
one two
three four
one two
three four
4 The \rowcolor command
As demonstrated above, one may change the colour of specified rows of a table
by the use of \multicolumn commands in each entry of the row. However if your
table is to be marked principally by rows, you may find this rather inconvenient.
For this reason a new mechanism, \rowcolor, has been introduced1.
\rowcolor takes the same