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Why People Play Video Games?

Enviado por   •  28 de Noviembre de 2014  •  273 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  277 Visitas

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In this article I want to explain hot sociologist and how psychologist think that a brain of a gamer works, this has been proved by many people in the scientific area as a Three Invisible needs that a gamer have, and how does he achieve it.

Psychologists and sociologists are only now beginning to understand why the human ability to play is so powerful. But unlocking the mystery behind this desire may do more than help us understand our obsession – it could reshape and improve society in powerful ways.

Three invisible needs

Gamers often throw around the term “escapism” when talking about their hobby, but this is a hollow explanation for what actually motivates us to play games. In fact, the word “escape” contains some negative implications – suggesting that those who play games feel a need to break free from the mundane slavery of their reality. We enjoy retreats to other realities – ones more fantastical than our own – but we aren’t always driven to play games because we are trying to escape our lives. The real motivations for play are far more complex.

A psychology from the University of Rochester, Scott Rigby helped found Immersive, a research company designed to examine some of these basic human needs and discover what makes video games so appealing. After collecting several years’ worth of behavioral data and conducting numerous in-house studies from companies.

These are the three invisible needs:

Competence: You can get achievements and experience by fighting a difficult enemy.

Autonomy: You can build and do whatever you want whenever you want.

Relatedness: You can play multiplayer and meet people and have fun in a social reality.


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