- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Exámen Lengua Adicional al Español 3er Parcial

Enviado por   •  13 de Julio de 2023  •  Tutorial  •  368 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  68 Visitas

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“2022. Año del Quincentenario de Toluca, capital del Estado de México”

Bachillerato General EPO 223   Módulo Tepotzotlán
Examen Tercer Parcial
Lengua Adicional al Español I

Name: __________________________________________________ L.N. _________
Date: ___________________________________________________

Complete the sentence with the correct form of verb to be. ( am /  is  / are )

  1. They _____ good friends.
  2. We _______ teachers in this school.
  3. He _______ is a terrible actor.
  4. She _______ driving a blue car.
  5. They ______ good players.
  6. I ______ a very respectful person. [pic 3]

Circle the correct sentence between   have / has.

  1. He have / has a big house.
  2. She have / has black hair.
  3. I  have / has a new phone. 
  4. They  have / has  a lot of space. 
  5. We have / has a new brother.

Write on the line if the sentences are in  Simple Present or Present Continuous.

  1. I am going to the cinema tonight. _________________________
  2. Bob is working in a restaurant. ____________________________
  3.  I am watching TV. ______________________________________
  4. Jane loves pizza. ______________________________________
  5. Samantha has a fat cat. __________________________________

Change the sentence to negative:

1. Lola dances all night: _________________________________________________

2. My mother is having a party today:

3. We are eating tacos: _________________________________________________

Wh Questions: Match the correct answer for each question.

a. What is your name?
b. Who is your teacher?
c. Which is your desk?
d. When is your birthday?
e. Who is Jennifer?
f. Which book is cheaper?
g. Where is the key?
h. What day is today?

____ Our teacher is Daniela.

____ It is Saturday.
____ The second one.
____ It is in August 2
____ Jennifer is a singer.
____ The red book is cheaper.

____ My name is Sam.
____ The key is under the carpet.

____ They are my friends.

Categorize the nouns and verbs from the box. [pic 4]


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