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Cual es el Diálogo de inglés de una encuestra de negocio

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Comunicación especializada en inglés. [pic 1]


How to be a good negotiation.


Chavez Arriola Marianna Ivett


Flores Rodríguez Brian Daniel.

Reyes Degollado Luis Alfredo.

Sánchez Gastelum Berta.

Várelas Flores Jesús Adrián.

Uriarte Gomes Andrés.


 Electromecanica Indistrial.





Negotiation dialogue for promotion.

* Supervisor: Mr. I have an employee who wants to talk with you.

+ Boos: Make it happen.

- Employee: Hi, How are you ?

+ Boos: Well, what is offered to you?

- Employee: I've been learning that there were notable casualties of employees in the company.

+ Boos: If the unemployment has increased vastly, since they do not know the new tools of work, people like that do not help me much.

- Employee: That's what I'd like to get to. I know that I am new in the business but I would like to be able to help both of us.

+ Boos: What do you offer me to do?

- Employee: I would only ask him to move from area to increase more profits in the new area.

+ Boos: But if you already have a position because that area would interest you. We have been implementing new work tools that are probably uncooperative.

- Employee: Previously I have handled that kind of tools.

+ Boos: I would not like to lose an employee like you in your work area, just to know the new tool.

- Employee: I explain that I would like to improve as an employee, getting to have the opportunity to promote myself in that area, likewise I could get to satisfy the needs of the company.


+ Boos: But how is it that you are so sure that you can give an improvement to the company?

- Employee: As I said, I've handled that kind of tool before. I know that I am a new employee but with my experience in the field and knowledge of the tool, I could make the area perform better.

+ Boos: We are losing a lot economically and I would risk losing or giving you this opportunity.

- Employee: I just want to give my point of opposition, the company will continue to lose and I could give a small improvement as an employee for the company.

+ Boos: You have a good argument, you will have your chance will be approved for a while, if we see that there is an increase in you stay with the position, but if we remain the same or no profits are fired.

- Employee: If Mr. I agree, I will not fail you.

+ Boos: ok You start today. In a moment the supervisor will come and he will show you the new facilities.

- Employee: Thank you, Mr.

+ Boos: Thanks to you.

+ Boos: Mr. supervisor show this gentleman the new work area.

* Supervisor: Accompany me to show you the new work area.

Dialogo de negociacion para ascenso.

*Supervisor:  Sr. tengo un empleado que desea conversar con usted.

+ Jefe: Hagalo pasar.

- Empleado:   Hola, ¿ como se encuentra ?

+Jefe:  Bien, ¿Que se te ofrece.

  • Empleado:    Me he estado enterando que habido notables bajas de empleados en la empreza.

+ Jefe: Si los desempleos han aumentado vastante, ya que desconocen las nuevas herramientas de tabajo, personas asi no me sirven de mucho.


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