- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Dialogo ingles

Enviado por   •  4 de Noviembre de 2014  •  318 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  242 Visitas

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What’s your name?

R: Alexa Gomez.

Where are you from?

R: San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo León.

How many years have you been practicing this sport?

R: 8 years.

What was the reason you decided to practice the sport?

R: Since I was a child my mom always wanted me to make sport and she decided swimming was the best for me.

What do you usually do to improve your performance in the sport?

R : Never miss the practices and try to make better training techniques every day.

Are you used to practicing for long hours?

R: When I was younger I used to practice so many hours but nowadays I practice less hours.

Are you used to sacrificing many things to practice the sport?

R: Yes, I have to wake up early daily to go to my practices but it is worth it.

Do you follow a good diet?

R: Yes, I eat healthy. I mean I don’t eat chocolate, chips or things like that.

Do you think you could win a medal in a competition?

R: Yes, I could. If I practice hard.

What are the main fears when you're in a competition of national stature and what do you do when those moments occur?

R: I think it is that I get really nervous and many times that makes me fail while I’m swimming but I always try to keep calm and just enjoy the moment.

Does it require much effort to practice this sport?

R: it is difficult at first; for me it is not. But for many people it is, because sometimes they have problems breathing under water

Have you been injured practicing?

R: Thanks God No.

How do you qualify in the swimming competitions?

R: The Judges take the times while you are swimming and the person who does less time is the winner.

Why do you recommend to practice swimming?

R: Because it’s one of the sports that requires all of your body moving and

it maintains you active while you work all your body.


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