Dialogo En Ingles
Enviado por lysana • 12 de Agosto de 2014 • 342 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 292 Visitas
Hola noelis:
Espero que el siguiente diálogo te sirva:
Dr. Greg. – Good Morning. How are you?
Robert. – Good Morning Doctor. We come for medical consultation.
Dr. Greg. – Well. What’s the matter?
Jenny. – I feel so sick. I have headache, and feel so tired.
Robert. – Yes, she’s so bad.
Dr. Greg. – Something else?
Jenny. - Yes, I’m so apathetic these days. I don’t like come to consultation. And I forget things.
Dr. Greg. – Which’s your work?
Jenny. – That’s important? I’m officer.
Dr. Greg. – Lately you have much stress?
Jenny. – Yes. How do you know?
Dr. Greg. – Because your symptoms may be chronic fatigue. And taking consideration of your skin color, you’re anemic too.
Robert. – Is that dangerous?
Dr. Greg. – If doesn’t have treatment, may be so dangerous. With the correct treatment, it gives off in a few weeks. Do you take something?
Jenny. – Yes, I take some aspirin and anti-influenza pils.
Robert. – And some antibiotics too.
Dr. Greg. – Which antibiotics?
Robert. – Tylenol, Clamoxil, and Relenza.
Dr. Greg. – In first place, please, never mix aspirin with Tylenol or other medicines that have paracetamol in their formula. Next, stop take everything your are taking, don’t help you and may damage your liver.
Jenny. – Oh my god!
Robert. – Will she die?
Dr. Greg. – No, no this time. But before take something, consult a physician, some things may be dangerous.
Jenny. – Yes, I’ll do that.
Robert. – I’ll do it too.
Dr. Greg. – Well. Now I’ll give you that you need. You will take one pill of Centrum at day. You will take too in the morning, 2 teaspoons of Bicozin-I.
Jenny. – Whats that?
Dr. Greg. – B Complex and iron, for your anemic. Excuse me, Are you vegetarian?
Jenny. – Yes, two months ago…
Dr. Greg. – You need eat some meat. By casualty, from when have your symptoms?
Jenny. – Around of a month and half.
Dr. Greg. – If you want stay healty, you need eat meat again.
Robert. – You see? I tell you.
Jenny. – Thanks Doctor. I’ll follow your tips. Thanks again.
Robert. – Thanks.
Dr. Greg. – You’re welcome. Aliviate soon.