Enviado por hetd3526 • 17 de Septiembre de 2015 • Tarea • 1.738 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 129 Visitas
Do Males and Females Have the Same Capacity to Make Important Decisions When They are in Love?
Vanessa E. Santa Crespo
S00868168/ Session 134
English 231
Dr. Jackeline Martinez Rodriguez
May 7, 2015
We can’t read our own manual book, so that’s why we did not find any correct way to work with our life. That is why we live in a totally dysfunctional society. When a governor implements any law, should not consider our biological nature to do so. For example, there is a law in which a 16-year-old is considered an adult to make important decisions, in sexual responsibility and birth control way. Who created that law does not contemplate a chemical that acts like a kind of remote control in the brain, especially when you are at first six months of being in love. When we look at the law, they were not considering the high levels of oxytocin when implementing the law. Therefore, our laws were created with erroneous instruction bases, pretending with it, that we work well with incorrect instructions.
Do Males and Females Have the Same Capacity to Make Important Decisions When They are in Love?
Poor people are just numbers, the one who governors need the both to used it to demand money for other nations. Teenager’s means nothing for the society and governors only want their sexuality to use it like a baby fabrics at low cost. In Puerto Rico is law that when a females was at the age of sixteen, that age means that she had a mature mind to have sex and baby’s too. And for those parents who love their sixteen teenagers admits that at that age they are immature for having kids or to choose a right partner. This is a social problem that had solutions but the governors and churches don’t want to work on it because fewer babies mean less money. So if I explain in details all the manners to help teenagers, all of the information I gave is only a secondary plan of a solution. Persuade females to learn about their biological system and how it really works is to give them the chance to know in where they really are standing for. Males and females did not have the same capacity to make the same decisions when they are in love because: most females ignore that the oxytocin makes them act like they are in a kind of trance, governors manipulate the information to their own ambitious purpose and the combination of the teenager’s immature and the unknowing of their biological functions.
The first reason why males and females did not have the capacity to make good decisions when they are in love is that oxytocin makes them act like they are in a kind of trance. . Females ignore that all of the hormones in her system act like a remote controller without her permission. The Oxytocin (the love hormone) is an unknowing peace of an unknowing by female’s mind and that’s why I was so interest for. But the characteristics of the Oxytocin are mentioned with other names by authors and specialists, unless they ignore the Oxytocin hormone was the author of this reactions; for example, in the book, Human Sexuality, A Psychosocial Perspective, Westheimer and Lopater, (2005) explains, “Passionate love, is when many people feel they are floating on a cloud and have a constant desire to see, be with, to talk to, and make love with the other person. People in a passionate relationship often feel all wrapped up in their feelings, and later, when the intensity of these feelings begins to ebb, as it inevitably does, some complain about being suffocated by the attentions of the other”, Westheimer, Lopater, (2005 page175). This characteristic that we compare and named with the word love was the symptoms of high levels of Oxytocin. Experiments with the Oxytocin give us some details of what happen inside the main controller of people, the brain. In the article, OXT Modulates Social Distance Between Males and Females, Brief Communications, (2012) explain; “The amygdala may be important for this regulation and the activity of amygdala sub regions is also modulated by OXT. Furthermore, OXT is known to increase gaze directed at the eyes of others and we tend to expand our P S if a person establishes eye-contact with us. While, compared with singles, basal concentrations of OXT in blood are increased in couples during the early stages of romantic love and stay significantly elevated in couples remaining together six months later,” Communications (2012 page ____). In a psychosocial aspect or in a scientific one, specialists use different terms to express the same meanings. But is inconsequent because any article of law they did not consider these humans aspects for.
The second reason is the government’s manipulation, in their ambitious aspect to plead money for other nations by let some organizations use child’s poor face for. Manipulation is one of the first damage that the governors make to the society. The combination of being sex analphabet and poor is the perfect weapon for governors to add the C.E.N.S.O. Easy money comes to Puerto Rico in the way of the transformation of C.E.N.S.O. numbers into a federal support. So that’s why governors maintain the analphabetism of sexuality in the citizens and that’s why all the citizens were analphabets in sex and in relationship with others. The unknown information means more baby births and those babies means only money for the governors. The governors won’t care about the miserable life of that baby; and miserable life means being an ugly teenager. When that baby becomes a teenager without a establish family and suffering all the humiliations for being ugly, she probably find and open arms of a predator that he society named, boyfriend.