- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Rubrica Gramática

Enviado por   •  2 de Febrero de 2021  •  Apuntes  •  525 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  336 Visitas

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NAME: Christian Mauricio Granados Ramírez                                                                                            DATE: 19/01/2021








Grammar covered in class was used to communicate effectively.

A few minor difficulties arose from not using the gramar studied in class.

Gramatical errors led to many minor difficulties or ine major breakdown in communication.

Grammatical errors severely hampered communication.


Vocabulary studied in class was used to express ideas eloquently.

A few minor difficulties arose from not using appropiate vocabulary.

Some difficulties arose due to limited vocabulary and/or bad diction.

Communication was severely hampered due to lack of vocabulary.


Student acted-as a facilitator, helping the conversation flow and develop.

Some minor difficulties maintaining the conversation were evident.

Some effort was required to maintain the conversation. There may have been a few long pauses.

Much effort was required to maintain the conversation. There may have been many long pauses.

Aspects Covered

Widely covered all aspects assigned.

Almost all assigned aspects were presented.

Few assigned aspects were presented.

None or one aspect was presented.

Voice and non-

Verbal communication

Pronunciation was clear and inflection and expressions were used to enhance communication.

No serious problemas arose, but better pronunciation, inflection, and/or non-verbal communication could have made communication more efficient.

Some communication problems arose due to unclear pronunciation and/or lack of inflection and/or expresssion. Student may have been difficult to hear.

Pronunciation, inflection, and/or expression confused communication. Student may have been very difficult to hear.


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