Einstein: un famoso científico
Enviado por genefabi13 • 1 de Diciembre de 2014 • 783 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 242 Visitas
Einstein: a famous scientist
In 1905, a 26-year-old patent clerk named Albert Einstein changed the way we understand our universe.
Providing very important information for the development of science through time, Einstein first studies focused on the nature of light. He believed that light consists of small packets of energy, called photons. When these photos are of the right energy level, or color, they can dislodge electrons from the atoms of some metals. This interaction causes an electric current to flow in the material. This discovery called the photoelectric effect is the basis of modern inventions such as television camera tubes, solar power cells, and photographic light meters. The photoelectric effect helped Einstein win the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics, because his way of explaining light helped develop a new field of science called Quantum theory. This theory laid the foundation for other applications, including nuclear science, electronics, and nanotechnology.
Einstein also proposed his famous theory of relativity, disagreeing with a fundamental belief of scientists, like Isaac Newton, who assured that the measurement of time is a constant throughout the universe. Einstein´s Theory maintained that the speed of light, not time, is constant across the universe. These Revolutionary scientist´s ideas, in modern physics have launched many of the life-altering inventions produced during the past 100 years.
1. Find the following information in the text. Work as quickly as possible.
a) Wow old Einstein was when he focused on the nature of light: at 26 years of age
b) The name of his discovery about the nature of light: photoelectric effect
c) The name of small packets of energy: photons
d) One modern invention based on the Photoelectric effect: television camera tubes, solar power cells, and photographic light meters.
e) What happened to Einstein in 1921: won the Nobel Prize in physics
f) One application of quantum theory: nuclear science, electronics, and nanotechnology.
2. The following words are underlined in the text. What do they refer to? Complete as in the example
a) He refers to: Albert Einstein.
b) They refers to:
c) This discovery refers to: photoelectric effect
d) Einstein theory refers to: theory of relativity—speed of light
e) These revolutionary scientists refers to: that these have given way to many inventions in the last 100 years
3. Read the statements and write T if it true or F if it is false. Support your answer. Follow the example.
a) Einstein was as a pilot: (F) It´s false because he was patent clerk.
b) Most ideas in modern physics are based on Einstein´s scientific research. (T) Yes, these have been put into practice in many inventions
c) According to Einstein, light consists of photons. (T) Yes, the little packets