- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

La Sirena Del Faor

Enviado por   •  7 de Diciembre de 2014  •  279 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  176 Visitas

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Good morning my little kids!

How about this morning as it's cold, do not!

But right now we warmed up with these well good news of the day.!

Haber! Speaking of cold and rainy weather as we are in with ____________ let's see how it will be!

Do not make up! Already from these ugly weather I thought I leave some pools I think I'll go to where floods to save lol but it will not be good without music not believe.?

Come to the top ten to see if my favorite place .. let you ____________________

No, not that I wanted to put the bow of colorado.

On all these issues I will give you a figure that is important

Our memory works at a speed of eight memories per second.

I found this information interesting Science Daily: Millisecond Memory: 'Teleportation' of Rats Sheds Light On How the Memory Is Organized. Basically explains some research published in Nature from which a team of scientists believe that memory and memories can be divided something like minimum units (quantum) that the brain is able to retrieve and process in about 125 milliseconds.

not that interesting!

That great.!

Now we say memories I remembered someone famous my colleagues talk about this great character .. let's go.!

I already said.! Because I remember much because his biography is presented in the news.!

What about if we turn away from this and talk about WORLD MASTERS!

We go to Brazil, we continue on this same channel the most relevant News of the World will be presented with the best definition! But to find out more information once we talk about this!

Interesting no?

Brats! He came all the way to this super-news channel, see you tomorrow chamacos worth? Tomorrow. Goodbye!


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