Uso de la biologia
Enviado por Oscar Nava • 24 de Septiembre de 2015 • Ensayo • 511 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 167 Visitas
Big Ideas from the biology
The study of the biology has many big ideas
. The cellular base of life: The living beings are formed by cells. Some of them only have one cell, those are celled organisms. The animals and the plants are multicellular organisms. The cells of the multicellular organisms shows a lot of sizes, shapes, and different functions. The human body has almost 200 types of cells.
. Information and heredity: The living beings are based on a universal genetic code. The information in the DNA form an unbroken chain dating back to about 3500 million years. The cells in your DNA can influence your future: The risk of acquire cancer, the hair color of your children, etc.
.Substance and energy: The life needs substances that serve as nutrients to form corporal structures and energy that provide energy the process of the life. Some organisms obtain energy from the sun light and take nutrients form the water, air and the ground. Other organisms eat plants and other animals to obtain nutrients and energy.
.Growth, development and reproduction: All the living beings reproduce themselves. The individuals newly reproduced are almost smaller than the adults. They grow and develop as they mature. During the growth and development, generalized cells become more specialized and different for particular functions. The specialized cells form tissues like the brain, the muscles, and digestive organs that works for different functions.
.Homeostasis: The living beings keep a stable intern environment, a process known as homeostasis. For most of the organisms, any maladjustment of the homeostasis can bring big or fatal consequences.
.Evolution: The evolutionary change relates all the living forms with a common origin dating back from 3500 million years. The evidence of this story is in all aspects of the living and fossil organisms, from physic characteristics, to the protein structures and the DNA information sequences. The evolutionary theory is the beginning of all the biomedical and biological sciences.
.Structure and function: Each important group of organisms have evolved their own “tools equipment” of particular body parts that make possible to do some functions. Like capture food to eat it, reproduce themselves and breath, the organisms use structures that have evolved in different forms as the species have adapted to different environments.
.Unity and diversity of the life: All the organisms are composed by a common set of molecules based on the carbon, store information in a common genetic code and use proteins to form their structures and perform their functions.
. Independence on the nature: All the living things in the Earth are connected on a biosphere that means “live planet”. Inside the biosphere, the organisms are related between them, and with the water, the ground and the air. All the human life depends directly from the nature.
.The science as source of knowledge: The work of the science is to use the observation, questions and experiments to explain the natural world in function of natural events. The successful scientific investigation reveals rules and patterns that can explain and predict at least some events of the nature.