Enviado por keke56 • 12 de Septiembre de 2015 • Apuntes • 267 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 220 Visitas
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Mar Bertrand Piccard
(Creador del avión alimentado únicamente mediante energía solar fotovoltaica)
Mar Bertrand Piccard (Lausanne, on March 1, 1958) is a Swiss aeronaut that together with the British pilot Brian Jones on March 21 de1999 completed the first surrounding to the world in hot air ballon without scales, beating the record of permanency in flight (19 days, 21 hours and 47 minutes) and crossing an approximate distance of 46.759 kilometres - the circumference of the Earth has 40.000 kilometres in the Ecuador - on board of the globe Breitling Orbiter 3, guided by his center of control in the airport of Geneva. After taking off of Château D'Oex (Switzerland) on March 1, 1999 they landed in the Egyptian desert to 300 km to the west of Cairo, in Bawiti's Oasis. They completed the round-the-world trip on having spent for the meridian 9 W in Mauritania, to the north of Africa.
Psychiatrist and psychotherapist of profession is an experienced pilot of ultralight and globes of warm air. It obtained his first record in air acrobatics at the age of 16 and time later the European championship of wing gained delta.
He is the director of the project of the plane with energy renewable Lot Stimulates. He is A President of the " Winds of Hope " humanitarian foundation and Ambassador of Good Will of the United Nations.
It comes from a family of explorers and inventors, where he is a grandson of Auguste Piccard, inventor of the bathyscaphe and his father Jacques Piccardconsiguió the record of major distance of dip at the back of the sea inside a bathyscaphe.