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Matrimonio Gay

Enviado por   •  9 de Junio de 2013  •  469 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  396 Visitas

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Now, you may be wondering, what exactly is a gay? Or, why they are called like that? In Provençal language that word “gai” meant lover. Also on XlX century brothels were called “hay house” Now on our century the word “gay” it means happiness, a positive term by the own gays community.

How would you feel if someone tried to deny you the right to marriage? Deny you to be with the person you love for the rest of your life? Imagine don’t being able to spend the rest of your life with the person you love the most, with the person you fully trust and want to be part of you. It’s crazy to even think about, isn’t it? You may be thinking, where in the world that can be even being possible? Well, let me tell you, yes that is possible. At least for gay community, that’s something that they have to live with every day. That’s their reality and all they know.

Some people think that the word “marriage” can only mean the commitment between a man and a woman. But many other people think that “marriage” can mean commitment between any two people who love each other and want to share their lives for a long time. It would be the same if different races, religions, ages, etc., weren’t allowed to get married, just because they’re different.

We don’t realize that gays are humans too. They can think, feel, express and just because they prefer they’re same gender, we stay in our close mind; we criticize them and put them a lot of limits. Some people judge just because they prefer to be with someone of their same gender, they are bad people, but I think most of them are nicer than “normal people”. Most of the times they are even more down to earth than heterosexuals; they can even raise a child better.

All societies have viewed marriage as an exclusively heterosexual club. But in the last few years, more and more people are saying it's time to open the marriage door to homosexuals.

Is historically known that gay community has been discriminated because of its condition. This entire situation has made a huge controversy because nobody ever had figured out if origin of homosexuality is because of genetic inheritance or by the own the decision of the individual. While they don’t know the true about it, being against them it’s a very wrong point of view.

Although its origin is not yet determined, we can’t deny the fact that homosexuals are humans too and they have the right to love and be loved. This is the reason why they always wanted to legalize their union by marriage. This right has been approved on many countries as Spain, Canada, Norway, and a few states from US.


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