- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

What Is Happines

Enviado por   •  19 de Junio de 2014  •  226 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  161 Visitas


We've all wondered at some point in our lives what is happiness, because we all wish to be happy. Happiness is something very hard to define; through history a number of philosophers have tried to explain it, but each person perceives what happiness is in a different way, since it is a mood felt in a very personal way.

Happiness is commonly associated with wealth and economic status, commonly associated to "successful" people, but for me success is defined by the happiness you achieve.

Money does not matter if you are not happy; wealthy people may not be well accompanied, or may be frustrated because they are always wanting more. They don’t realize happiness is something more simple to obtain, by giving, sharing and enjoying.

For me happiness is an emotional state which you achieve when you have reached a goal that satisfies you fully, makes you joyful and give you inner peace. At the same time this creates motivation to reach new goals.

This gives life sense, else it would be boring to always do the same things, never expecting new achievements.

Happiness consists in finding something that satisfies us. For example, I get very happy when I achieve a goal that required lots of effort and sacrifice. And i never forget to thank God for helping me do this, and for being by my side.


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