- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Good People Essay

Enviado por   •  18 de Noviembre de 2014  •  464 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  183 Visitas

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The problem faced by the young couple in the story, is one that is faced by many Young couples, including religious ones. Religion has always consider sacred that after a marriage the love could be consumed , but slips could be seen in every human, as they don’t obey the sacrosanct law of Jesus that sais do not have sexual relations before marriage. Most couples who are sexual active always use protection including pills, being sure not to get pregnant, but is a new life the real problem? Leaving reputation and personal image apart, a baby is not the real problem, there are many diseases that you can get from having sex with someone infected that neither the use of protection does completely eliminates the risk of catching or spreading sexual transmitted diseases, like HIV, herpes, etc. The worst thing, is that if you get a virus there is no cure, so you are risking your life, if you get a bacteria or parasite it can be treated by antibiotics or other medicines, that’s the point of the religion with the establishment of this important recommendation that in this case falls in this couple, she doesn’t love him, and gave him the privilege that normally is assumed by a husband, to someone that she wasn’t sure of loving him the entire life, so why give him the role of being her husband? These recommendations, and I say recommendations because even believers do not follow them, are preventers of those problems, those diseases and are for building a great family which can form from love. Family is also an important topic in religion including defending life, Lane and his girlfriend Sheri have a very big dilemma, having an abortion that is the opposite of all their believes and get into the church where everyone would know their terrible sin or having the baby from someone that she do not love, if I was Sheri, I will not be with somebody I don’t love an either have sex with him, because maybe for some girls virginity is not very important but for me is a gift that God gave us to share it with our husband or wife, the person you would love your entire life. If for some circumstance that happens to me I would not kill my own baby, despite the fact that I don’t love his dad, is not the baby’s fault and like everyone, has de human right to live and if Sheri don’t loves Lane they don’t have to live together even if she would not like to see the baby or don’t has the capacity to raise him she could give it into adoption but not killing him, an innocent human that cannot defend itself.


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