Enviado por clara123456 • 10 de Junio de 2013 • Informe • 479 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 420 Visitas
In the first part Huck tells its story. Huck alive in the streets and fear le gusta Pop su padre, is an alcoholic. One day Huck cuando estaba con su amigo Tom Sawyer encontraron a pile of money. In ese momento condom Rico. Huck gives you your money to Judge Thatcher to keep it in a bank and thus prevent it su padre in robe. Inthis moment Huck with the Widow Douglas vive. The widow Douglas a hermana tiene: The seorita Watson, and she (the seorita watson) tiene a esclavo, Jim. Huck and Jim are friends. Cierto day Huck was in the house of the widow Douglas vivir lover then why fear on the streets. But in the end vuelve a vivir con otra vez widow Douglas. Days mas tarde Pop le dice a Huck who owes money entregarle entire It possesses. Huck tells su padre le entire dinero that is located in the bank, and that in a moment just has to dlar. Days mas tarde catch it and it requires a vivir con el Hut in the forest. The Choza bastante away from the house of the widow Douglas.
In the Segunda parte que su padre Huck account bebe a pile, it would hit so I DECIDED escaped in a canoe that encontro. When the gente del pueblo is integer desaparecio Huck decides not seek it and it is just one. It dan por muerto. Huck watches them from an island in that then in a dar vuelta, Jim lies the esclavo the seorita Watson. It is guarecen Largo Llover but in a wooden house, a day siguiente Find a raft.
Huck is the third part woman wears to view the reaction of the village that it da por muerto. Find out what a woman and it escapes to warn them that are buscando Jim.
In the fourth part Huck and Jim a couple of Conoco Hombres. These scammers Dicen of belonging to royalty and utilizan them as esclavos. Cierto day escapan but Jim is captured by a esclavo. Huck, siguiendo to your friend Jim is intercepted by Tom's aunt who confunde to Huck with Tom.
Fifth part in a bote Huck listens in which you travel your friend Tom. Huck, adelantandose the arrival of their friend, todo le says Sola. Tom DECIDED a plan for Liber Jim. Ambos friends dig a hole every night bajo wall of Hut Jim. When it terminan, los tres escapan the river but a man in Skillful Hireia Tom and his friends decided not to abandon the. Los hombres de vuelta Tom takes to the villa and bring you to the next Jim. In the end Jim libre porque queria liberarlo seorita Watson escribio that before he died, and she mueto Atrs two months.
Jim tells Huck that le is su padre muerto de vuelta y tener to carry your mon