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Analyze The Ways In Which Europe Was Affected By The WWI.

Enviado por   •  12 de Agosto de 2014  •  247 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  364 Visitas

World War I had incalculably huge magnitude in shaping Europe for succeeding century. The war had seen the deaths of millions of man, destruction and catastrophic loss of life during World War II led to what could best be described as a cultural despair in many countries who had fought in the war.

The disillusionment with the national, international politics, a feeling of distrust of political leaders and government officials permeated the consciousness of an audience that had witnessed the ravages of a devastating four year conflict. Most European countries had almost lost a generation of young men.

Were The geographic changes, too, very significant. Large portions of Eastern Europe had been carved up, and new nations Had been created. Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France. Poland was carved out of Germany and Russia. Austria-Hungary and Became Dissolved two separate powers again. Czechoslovakia became independent of the former Austro-Hungarian empire.

The efforts of the Western European powers to marginalize Germany weakened and isolated their democratic leaders and stressed the need to restore the prestige to Germany through the re-militarization and expansion. The social and economic turmoil that followed World War strongly destabilized the fledgling democracy in Germany.

Immersed in economic and social discontent and polarized at opposite ends of the political spectrum country. Many of the causes of this disorder had roots in the First World War and its aftermath; and the path taken by Germany would lead to an even more destructive war in the following years.


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