- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Como se dieron los Terremotos en mexico (ingles)

Enviado por   •  1 de Octubre de 2018  •  Tarea  •  540 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  210 Visitas

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Earthquake in Mexico

A study of the UNAM reveals the geographical situations in which one finds the country México. - Two strong earthquakes concerning weeks ended with the life of dozens of persons in Mexico. The Seismological National Service (SSN) brought that there were two earthquakes of 7.1 degrees and 6.8 degrees in Them Dwell and It populates. Before the emergency of this Tuesday that already has received the life of more than hundred persons, users of social networks caught the moment of the earthquake and requested help for the disabled persons, as well as to locate the missing persons. Photo: AFP In social networks and in the seekers also does to themselves constant a question.


The geographical situation of Mexico does that the territory is very vulnerable to the earthquakes. The first motive It is because the Mexican country is situated in the great Belt of Fire of the Pacific, who is placed on the coasts of the ocean Pacific Ocean and is characterized for concentrate some of the more important zones of subduction of the world, which causes an intense seismic and volcanic activity in the zones. Photo: AFP East arch that goes from America to Asia where they produce 90 % per cent of the earthquakes of the world. The second motive that the specialists of the UNAM explain is that one agrees Mexico on five tectonic plates, which are the rigid and mobile pieces that compose the surface of the terrestrial bark. According to a study of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), which analyzed the earthquakes that happened in the country during the 20th century, there is known that: - every ear 100 or more earthquakes of magnitude produce to themselves in average 4.5 or higher; - every four years five earthquakes of magnitude take place 6.5 or higher; - and every ten years an earthquake of magnitude produces 7.5 to itself or higher. Photo: what has many people surprised is AFP that the earthquake of 7.1 degrees happened in It Populates that it shook five conditions it was exactly 32 years after the devastating earthquake of 1985 that according to the Civil Record of the Mexico City, the persons' quantity that died for polytraumatism, crushing, asphyxiation, and all the reasons associated with the earthquakes 12 thousand 843 victims added. The third point that affects the Mexicans they are the movements of the tectonic plates that move in different directions due to the heat inside the Earth.


1.-The North American plate, which it contains to most of the country and spreads towards the Atlantic Ocean; 2.-La plate of the Pacífico, where the peninsula of Fall is situated California 3.-La plate of the Carib, who contains Chiapas's south, besides the countries of Central America and the majority of the islands of the Carib; 4.-and the plates of Coconuts and of Rivera, which are under the ocean Pacific Ocean. Foto:AFP The dangerous Belt of Fire of the Pacífico affects also directly Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, The United States and Canada.


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