El Pueblo Árabe En Chile
Enviado por Elias Palma • 16 de Mayo de 2017 • Informe • 487 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 131 Visitas
El Pueblo Árabe En Chile
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Integrantes: Elías Palma, Felipe Galaz, Rafael Beosain
Curso 2°B
Asignatura: Ingles
- Cover Page
- Index
- Introduction
- Developement
Arabs spread their religion through almost everyone.
Today the largest Islamic presence in Latin America is located in Argentina, with about 900 thousand people. In Chile it is estimated that there are 10 thousand Muslims and in the United States today there are 7 million Muslims.
The first Arabs who arrived in Chile were in the year 1895.
They brought many riches, among them were the families, arbuch, basbus, nadurie, hacui, gidi and abraham.
To Chile was not of great magnitude. It is estimated that the total number of Arabs that settled in the country fluctuated between 8 thousand and 10 thousand people, of whom about 50 percent were of Palestinian origin, 30 percent Syrian and 20 percent remaining Lebanese. The itinerary of the Arab migratory chain began in the ports of Beirut, Haifa and Alexandria, passing through Marseilles or Genoa until arriving at Buenos Aires, from where they continued their journey crossing the mountain range on mule back or in the trasandino train.
The Arab population that is in Chile is between 60 thousand to 75 thousand inhabitants.
When they began to arrive, they arrived in the regions of valparaiso and tarapaca.
With the passage of time they were centralized and they arrived n Santiago, to the capital.
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Began to arrive because in their country Christianity was forbidden, and as they believed in him, they had to be exiled from their country
Its insertion in the Chilean society was difficult. These had to endure the discrimination and rejection of a part of Chilean society, which extended to their children and, to a lesser extent, their grandchildren. This discrimination - determined by sociocultural, economic and racial prejudices - was to call them contemptuously "Turks", an attitude that harmed their susceptibility because it identified them with their oppressors in their motherland
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The Arabs are mainly sellers, merchants and entrepreneurs
Having business as, sports clubs, race horses, bus companies, funeral homes, etc.
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One of their customs are that the women cover their body and face with cloths. Also some of his common greetings are "ahlan wa sahlan" which means welcome, "wallah" is the pure swear by allah, "assalamu alakum" that is peace be with you. These are some of his typical phrases
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When they go to eat or drink they use the right hand and not the left because it is considered "impure" You have to have flat feet on the floor and not cross your legs because for them is an offense