- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Guia De La Pelicula El Patriota

Enviado por   •  12 de Octubre de 2013  •  1.447 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  6.879 Visitas

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1. The movie opens in the fields of Benjamin Martin’s farm – In which region of the country is the movie set? How do you know this?

The movie opens in South Carolina. We know this because at the beginning of the movie showed the place and the year, and when Benjamin opened the mail he said that they will travel to Charleston, and Charleston is in South Carolina. And we also know because it was one of the 13th colonies.

2. When the men are at the statehouse, what are they arguing about?

They were arguing about the possibility of joining to the militia that was at war against the kingdom of Great Britain for the independence of the American colonies.

Benjamin Martin argues against joining the militia with this quote, “Can American colonies govern themselves and should they?” What would your answer to this question be if you were a colonist during the Revolution?

Our answer is that, yes we can, because American colonies had been a colony without a government for a long time. We mean, the colonies have all the capacity to be governed by themselves, it was not necessary that other country will decide for them.

Martin also states, “Children will learn of the war with their own eyes”. What is your reaction to this statement?

Our reaction it is very terrible, because the children will see how they parents and siblings die, and because they will learn how to kill in an early life, that’s why Benjamin said the quote in his speech.

Martin’s final quote is “I can’t /won’t fight & won’t vote for others to fight for me”. Do you agree with this statement when it comes to fighting a war?

Yes, we are agreed, first of all, the war is the worst word and thing around the world, and the best way to avoid the war is if the people can dialogue before to start it. In our opinion everyone is free to choice a decision and Benjamin chose that nobody will die for him, because he knew nearly people in the colonies will die.

3. When Colonel Tavington comes to the Martin farm and kills the Martin boy, the men discuss rules of war. Are there rules in warfare? Is killing a boy and burning the house fair play?

There are rules for war, however only the good guys have to follow them. But in the movie showed that Colonel Tavington did not follow any rule other than their own twisted ideas of what is right and wrong. And we think it was unfair the way how he killed the boy and burned the house, because the Benjamin’s family was helpless, they were just kids, and Benjamin tried talking, but the colonel Tavingnot did not care that.

4. When Cornwallis & Tavington are having their meeting, they are talking about how wars are fought. Cornwallis says we need to fight like gentlemen & that people are judged by the manner in which a war is fought. What does this mean?

We think it means how to fight the war, in other words, if you win with honesty, courage and try to win as a gentleman without making fun of the opponent, the people will see as you won, and it will remind forever, and you will be judged with good words, even if you won or not.

5. When Gabriel enters the church to ask for militia volunteers, Anne gives a very rousing speech, “when you are needed most, do you stop only at words? Act upon your beliefs you have so strongly spoken”. When it comes down to it, would you back your beliefs or country with your life? Why or why not?

Yes, because our country will be free, it does not matter if we lose our lives, the most important is that our beliefs also point a way forward, it means that compelling us to heed raise our hearts and at a fair Liberty’s call.

6. Is there a difference between war & murder?

Yes, there is. In one you are killing for a reason and in the other because you want, but are bad in both ways. War is a battle between countries; they do not have option in killing people, and murder it’s a way to kill. If you kill a man in war is because you are defending your country, and murdering is killing


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