Enviado por mariaemiliacm • 15 de Septiembre de 2015 • Informe • 288 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 90 Visitas
Cartoon ‘Caucasian Dance’[pic 1]
This cartoon is called Caucasian Dance. It was drawn by The French School in 1950 and posted by the Paix el Liberte movement. It was a period of anticommunism and tension between Stalin, Hungary, Romania, China and France.
In this cartoon we see a man with two knifes in his mouth, one in his hand and two more near his body. He is in a reed room throwing knifes to the floor pointing to different names of countries written there. Countries like; Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Rumania and others. Also we see only the name of France in big and with no knife on it, maybe waiting to be punched. In the back we see some peoples, like musicians playing instruments while the principal man with knifes is jumping or dancing.
This cartoon exposed the threat of France from the French Communist Party. The man represents Stalin as a Russian dancer dropping knifes to this nations that have adopted Communist regimes. The overall message of this drawing is that France is poised to be the next country destroyed by communism. And the people playing instruments on the bottom of the cartoon represent the leaders of the French Communist Party.
The type of drawing and also even the color let us understand in a critical and simple way the problems that France would get by Stalin. It also show us how the branches of Communism, Anticommunism and others type of government were divided.