- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

I Dont Know What Happen

Enviado por   •  21 de Septiembre de 2014  •  270 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  316 Visitas

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Scene 1

K and A talk about the problem.

K: what’s wrong with you?

A: hi katia i have a confession to make, I’m pregnant , im to worried about it cuz I have no money no family I don’t even know who the father is…

K: u should talk to Mrs Algarin, she can help u , also I heard that she can’t conceive.

A: I don’t think there’s another solution whatsoever.

Scene 2

A talk to I to request help.

I: why do u need to talk to me?

A: cuz I’m gonna have a kid , but I don’t have the resources to keep him with me, I know you're really keen on being a mother and this could solve our problem.

I: this is strange , but sincerely I can and I want to do so, I’ll give him a better life.

Scene 3

A2: congrats u got twins.

A: What?... what am I going to do now? Alright I’ll keep one and the other one i-ll deliver to my boss.

Andrea : I feel bad, I’m going home

Irina : ok

Andrea : bye

Marcos: Give me something to eat, I’m boring of this poverty

Andrea : why do you always talk to me like that ?, I have tried to give you the things that I never had, I feel really bad

Marcos: do you think that I care?, I hate you

Suddenly gives me a heart attack

Andrea : you have a brother , he is your twin , look for him, you have to talk with Katia , she knows everything

Andrea Dies


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