Enviado por _tareasgzz • 2 de Octubre de 2015 • Tarea • 252 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 88 Visitas
several girls could not attend
Liz met Alexis in high school, at was the beginning of second semester, always saw him during the breaks, but she did not dare to speak to him. One day, she saw it in a famous page called 'Crushes Prepa 9' and she sent the request of friendship on Facebook. He accepted the same day, but she still did not dare to talk to him…. It was not until holiday of 'Semana Santa' when she decided to and spoke to him.
Since that day not ceased to speak, all the days of holiday was speaking, but only by Facebook, because there is still no spoke in person. When was the day of entering classes again, she dreamed about him, with yearnings Was going to high school, only to find it on their way… until one day he saw it in the rest, all the time he was behind her, they greeted and spoke a bit, she blushed and was nervous.
And so the days passed successively, they continued to talk, were their dreams, their goals, everything. The May 12 they went together to ‘Bosque Mágico’ and he declared his love for Liz, he said 'We've been talking for a while and i like, I love you, I had never felt this for a girl, do you wanna be my girlfriend?' Liz told him that if and now they are 5 months of groom. All the days are in high school, they love each other very much. It is true love.