- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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National Open University and distance learning "UNAD"

School of Administration, Accounting,

Economic and Business

CEAD Jose Acevedo y Gomez

BOGOTA, Sept. 2012


2. Explore the different links and resources of this course and then answer the following questions:

a. What is the link where you can find some private information sent by your English tutor?

 internal mail link

b. If you want to record your voice to make an audio file, what is the tool you must download?

 I downloaded VS Recorder

c. What is the link to know your grades along the academic process?

 the link is in the upper left of the platform and says ratings

d. What is the link that offers to you the dates and scores of the course activities?

 This information is on the link that says course agenda

e. Describe the process to update your profile in the virtual course.

 Click the name of the user

 Click edit information

 Modify the data that I want to change

 Finally I click Update Personal Info

f. How can you identify the collaborative group you belong to?

 by clicking the link participants located in the upper left of the platform

3. Review the Online Contents and answer the following questions:

a. How many units are there in Online Contents?

 15 Unids

b. Identify 3 competences you think are the most important of this course according to the Academic Protocol (Intencionalidades Formativas).

 The student identifies basic issues of foreign language allowing function in different contexts.

 The student to use properly the activities proposed in the course by means of ICT.

 That students develop self-learning of English as a foreign language for communicative purposes in different skills.

c. In what unit can you find the followings topics:

 Present progressive with future meaning.

Unit 2

 Tag questions with BE

Unit 14

 The past progressive

Unit 6


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