- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Documentos de Investigación: DANCING WHIT STRANGERS: Ekaterina

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Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas, MonografiasEnsayos Gratis

Historia / DANCING WHIT STRANGERS: Ekaterina


Documentos de Investigación: DANCING WHIT STRANGERS: Ekaterina

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Enviado por: qazqaz 24 mayo 2013


Palabras: 286 | Páginas: 2

Views: 44

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- Summary.

A South African man was returning a Johannesburg from another country. Her name was Neil Gordon. His flight stopped in Athens. He thinks it’s a beautiful place to stay for her ancient culture but he had to catch the plane to leave. At the airport he met a young girl called Ekaterina. She was Greek and poor. She traveled with him to Johannesburg. The girl was very sad and seems important. They sat together in the plane and she started speaking in Greek. He didn't understand her but looking at her eyes and her face, he could imagine what’s she was trying to say. She was engaged to a rich Greek man who lived in Johannesburg, but they haven’t met yet. Ekaterina also explained that she really wanted other man, Savvas Athanassiades. Neil said to her that she should coming back home and living her own life. Ekaterina said him that she can't do. When they arrive to South Africa she met her engaged man. He was an old fat man but she decided to get married to him because it’s her duty. Neil was with his son and son's wife, Lorain, and he didn’t see her again, but always remember how he left with his head held high.

- Characters.

* Main Characters:

• Ekaterina: She and her family are poor. She is young and beautiful. Her eyes are dark her nose is straight and she has a lovely mouth.

• Neil Gordon: He is South Africa. He is a good person and much older than Ekaterina.

* Secondary characters:

• Savvas Athanassiades: Is a young man. He has dark hair, is strong and the eyes are pleasantly gentle.

• Neil’s son and her wife: they are the family of Neil. They are friendly and polite


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