Glosario De Terminos
Enviado por pedroywatcedys • 8 de Abril de 2014 • 669 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 213 Visitas
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Defensa
Universidad Experimental Politécnica de las Fuerzas Armadas Nacional
UNEFA – Extensión la Isabelica
Ing. Civil
Watcedys Godoy
Valencia 04/02/2014
Accident: unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things.
Administration: action to manage.
Address: action to direct or go.
Ambulance: intended for medical transport vehicle, especially the sick and wounded.
Area: area contained within limits.
Authority: the right and power to command and be obeyed.
Caution: attitude of prudence and caution of a person.
Civil defense: organization that regulates and coordinates the protection of persons.
Communication: the ability of a manager to get it's data for decision making.
Company: risky or difficult action, especially when undertaken with the intervention of several people.
Compliance: comply or fulfilled action.
Cooperation: action and effect to cooperate.
Cycle: corresponding to an atmospheric disturbance area.
Damage: effect of crime damage is any damage caused willfully.
Degree: a person who has obtained a degree.
Design: ideas, determine the concrete form of something.
Disaster: great misfortune, unhappy and unfortunate event.
Earthquake: more or less violent shaking of the earth's crust.
Effort: energetic use of physical forces.
Emergency: incident or accident requiring immediate assistance.
Extinguisher: device used to extinguish small fires.
Fire: caloric and light produced by combustion of certain bodies, such as wood, coal, straw, etc.
Fire: Big fire burning things not intended to be burned.
Firefighters: person whose job extinguishes fires and assists in case of an accident.
Flashlight: hand piece provided with a focus that serves to project light.
Geography: science that studies and describes the treasuries and human phenomena on the surface of the earth.
Head: the one that