Inhumanity between Men
Enviado por suminish • 6 de Mayo de 2014 • 482 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 313 Visitas
Inhumanity between Men
“A man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. It isn't like a mother's womb. It won't bleed. It won't stretch to make room for you.” In this quote Nana displays a contemptuous and cynical view on men and how selfish they are compared to women. Khaled Hosseini shows in his book “Thousand Splendid Suns” inhumanity between men throughout the novel. All individuals are born in a sinful nature but humans can choose if to let that sinful nature dominate them or not.
In this novel, inhumanity is shown through people in a high, responsible position in society with power. In the streets of Kabul, Pashtun leader burden with cruel and unjust restraints towards Afghan people, especially women. With this in mind, war occurs in this novel and thousands of innocent people are murdered by the enemy military personnel and children are being killed in a malignant way. Under those circumstances, Pashtuns are attacking the Hazaras and they retaliate in a destructive way by killing Pashtun people, raping girls and by sabotaging their area.
In a smaller scale Mariam and Laila encounter many afflictions such as enduring Rasheed’s barbaric manner and severe beatings that they receive from him. Mariam received psychological abuse when she was young and physical abuse when she gets married to Rasheed. Nana constantly calls her a harami which means a “bastard child”. Nana’s continues verbal abuse is inhumane and causes Mariam to feel unworthy to be a human and insignificant. Eventually, both Mariam and Laila have to struggle with Rasheed’s brutal and inhumane behavior and the Talibans who oppress them because of their gender and abolishes their rights and privileges. “He caught her, threw her up against the wall and struck her with the belt again and again." (Page 346). Rasheed’s comportment shows that he dominates her and portrays his power through verbal and physical abuse and by treating her maliciously. As a result, we see him evolve throughout the novel into this heartless scornful man.
.Khaled Hosseini demonstrates through this novel the wickedness of human nature. He reveals the paradox of power and how it leads to corruption. People in a higher position such as politicians or governments (in this case the Talibans) are expected to improve their country as well as being a favorable leader. But they mislead their people and convert themselves into savage animals striving for their desires; this leads them to greed and inhumane acts. As a matter of fact they mistreat people and even kill them to feel more dominant and superior. Consequently they become indifferent and callous just to obtain more power.
After all man’s inhumanity to man is everywhere and inhumane acts is an unbroken cycle. Humans will always be tainted by selfish desires and this world will be stained with injustice and inequality unless we all stand up together and make